Chris, this has really been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, for giving us instructions on exactly how to make the transformation, all of your encouragement, and recipes! I love how I feel. I know I lost some weight – I don’t have a scale anymore so not sure how much I lost – and the bloated ickiness is gone. I’m shooting for 80/20 application after this is over. This was so worth the price!

As an athlete I was missing the connection of how fueling my body affects my performance and energy levels. Chris helped me create balance in my diet and incorporated many new veggies, healthy recipes and best of all the green smoothies, which my one year old son Kai loves! I feel good about what my family is eating now and our healthy changes have yielded many results including weight loss, more energy and I’m no longer getting headaches, which have plagued me for years at least 3-4 times per week. My son is getting veggies, my Ironman husband has strength and energy for his training, and we are creating a healthy lifestyle that is free of the emotional ups and downs of the diet mentality and restrictive eating.

The number one thing I’ve learned from this detox is KISS. Chris taught me to Keep It Simple, Sister. Eating clean and healthy can be simple! Steamed veggies, a fresh, crisp salad and a small amount of lean protein is all you need!

I cannot say enough great things about Chris DeHollander and her detox program and coaching!!! Really, all amazing! I am a marathoner, new triathlete, homeschooling mom of 4, nurse, wife,…My life is busy! I work out at least 9 hours most weeks, majority of which happens before my kids’ feet hit the floor. My day usually started with a cup of coffee and half a bagel before heading out the door to the gym or for a run. Upon arriving home, to 4 hungry children, the 2nd cup of coffee was quickly being brewed along with a whole bagel toasting. Many days by noon, I had consumed more “bread” than anyone should consume all day EVER and caffeine enough to send most folks into orbit. I would fall asleep if I stopped for 5 minutes, and my head “hurt” and I felt “hungry” all the time!!! My head told me I was hungry more than my stomach. I needed help to clean up my diet, so my friends and I signed up for the Summer Detox. Chris has coached me and the others every step of the way through various trials. I needed to break habits. I needed to detox my body of caffeine, diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, processed foods… Being a creature of habit, I needed to retrain my brain. Post detox, my food looks different. I am trying new foods and loving the energy. My caffeine consumption is less than a fourth of what it was, my desires for diet soda are diminishing. I expect a lot out of my body, yet the fuel I was expecting my body to perform on was not high quality. I’ve learned how to fuel my workouts with natural foods. This is a lifestyle I’d like to maintain with an occasional treat. The program is easy to follow because of Chris’ very encouraging and relaxed personality. No question is stupid or ignored. I wouldn’t have made it through without Chris and the support of my detox friends.

I was already a “clean foods” eater before, so I wasn’t expecting to notice much BUT my cravings for carbs and sweets went away and I lost several pounds!

This was a great detox that I truly enjoyed. It helped me find the foods that were causing me to feel bloated and hold on to extra pounds. It helped me with my fatigue in the afternoons and to discover that I have problems digesting dairy. I have suffered from IBS my whole life and this truly helped curb the gas, bloating and pain that go along with my usual day. I also thought that I was eating healthy foods already but I discovered that my individual digestive system responds negatively to foods that normally are considered healthy options. I found options that do work and have helped me to not feel fatigued during the day. I realized that sometimes I can have foods that are off the menu on a normal day but I know now how I will feel after I eat them so I can plan around that for a vacation or special event. This is such a great plan. I am still using the smoothies daily and a lot of the recipes b/c I like them so much. I was not overweight at the start of the detox but I did want to take off a few summer pounds that crept up. I did lose five pounds by the end of the detox and I felt terrific! Thank you!

Before the detox I watched my weight and ate a “clean” but boring diet. Eating was more like a duty than an enjoyment. I felt fine but heavy and tired inside. After the detox, I lost my belly pooch and dropped my resting pulse 8 beats. I feel alert and bursting with energy. Im satisfied after a meal but not stuffed. I can snack and not feel guilty. Im exploring a whole new world of foods. Chris, thanks for kick-starting me into better nutrition habits. I feel like a new person in a brand new body! The facebook group was a wonderful motivator and a great place to share ideas, very helpful and very fun! I highly recommend her programs!

When I first spoke with Chris about this detox program, she asked me what I wanted to accomplish. I told her I wanted to “get to the next level”. I considered my lifestyle healthy, I exercise regularly and felt like I was making good food choices. I knew that something was missing – shouldn’t I be feeling great if I am exercising and eating right? Why am I often tired and why can’t I get rid of those last few pounds? Try googling those questions! The answers left me worried, confused and overwhelmed!! This detox has been the answer for me. Why? It blocks out all the chatter and brings us back to basics – what am I eating and how does it affect me? I have learned so much about food, but in such a simple clear way. I don’t have all of the answers yet, but that is what is brilliant about this detox – getting through the detox isn’t the end, it is the beginning! It puts you on a journey and lifestyle of clean eating specifically designed for your own system. It leaves you with the tools to navigate your ever changing physiology and environment. I will never again subject myself to the self-inflicted abuse of dieting – it doesn’t work and it doesn’t feel good. This detox has left me feeling great, energized, and healthier than I have ever been. Chris is so supportive, so positive and so knowledgeable! This is just the beginning for me – I look forward to doing another program with her and our fun, supportive group!
I participated in Chris’ detox program and continued to eat clean after the program with the exception of some dark chocolate and cheese. After 3 months of eating this way, I will thrilled to find out the results of my bloodwork. My total cholesterol was down by 17% and my LDL “bad” cholesterol was down by 26%. My doctor was amazed! Along with losing some weight, I no longer experienced my hot flashes! I am so motivated to continue with this way of eating! Thanks Chris.

This has been the most amazing experience of my life! I was scared to do it at all and had no idea I would reap this many benefits. I feel fabulous and am loving how all of these whole foods make me feel great and they taste even better now! And my cravings have almost disappeared! My body just seemed to respond very well to this. I didn’t do this to lose weight but I lost 8 pounds! And all my digestive bloating issues that I’ve had for years are gone. Once again, my health coach friend, Chris, changes my life for the better.

I had the great privilege to be a part of Chris’ detox and 28-day program at the end of 2013. I, first, want to share that I have been a huge supporter of what Chris does even before she really ever started her own business. She has a huge heart for helping people learn what fuels their body well, and I am glad she now has a platform to impact many! After actually experiencing some of her programs for myself, I am more convinced than ever about what she does. To me, eating has a lot to do with mental patterns about food as much as the food we put in our mouths. I found that the approach Chris takes (bio-individuality) along with her coaching style helped me make big strides in my thinking. Changing my thinking means that I can continue to change my eating patterns because I am equipped to learn what my body needs to function well instead of thinking about what I can’t have because it is “bad” for me. That makes eating well as a lifestyle possible. When you take the plunge to detox or maybe do some individual sessions with Chris, you will find that the programs Chris offers gives you fortitude to change your thinking and that just might have you eating well for life!!

This former cookie dough snacking, M&M’s addict, and fast food junkie just completed the detox and 28 day change your life program! I feel really good, totally surprised myself with how good the food is, and am blessed to finally join you, Chris. During the detox, I ate a LOT of food – seriously, I took your no calorie limit to heart – and I still lost 2.6% of my body weight. I have more energy, my mood is improved, and I’m happier just knowing I’m doing something right for me. Again, the most powerful element of the program is your encouragement. If you were not the kind of woman I know you to be, I would have never taken this step. Your personal integrity and beautiful combination of faith and grace are what made this detox special.

This detox was so good for me – I love fruits and vegetables, but they taste even better – I’m even craving them now! Chris, your instructions and motivation along the way helped so much, and knowing other people were struggling with similar issues (diet coke for one!) helped me feel like I wasn’t alone in this. This program really helped me learn the difference between emotional eating and being truly hungry.
I wanted something to help me continue with good food choices and give me the support that I still felt like I needed so I signed up for the 28 day prgram. The program gave me this, both with recipes, shopping lists, video tips, and the support of Chris and the Facebook group. I wasn’t sure if an online group would give me the accountability that I needed, but for some reason it worked. Hearing others talk about both successes and struggles, and having Chris’ motivating and informative posts really helped.
While I gave always eaten lots of fruits and vegetables, it was the reduction of processed foods, dairy and sugar that has helped me feel so much better. As you hit your fifties, the pounds seem to creep on very easily, even with exercise. By making healthy food choices, I not only feel better, but I have lost weight – pounds that before this just wouldn’t come off. So after the detox and the 28 Day Program, I feel better, my clothes fit better, and I have the energy I need to keep up with my grandkids! I lost 15 pounds too.

I have not felt this good in ages! I have great energy and no belly problems and feel great! I’ve also lost 7 pounds.I was never hungry during the detox and my cravings went away in a few days. I learned so much about whole, clean foods and how they really taste good and fuel my body so much better. There are endless possibilities with different combination of foods. Chris, you have been very helpful, informative, and encouraging! Thanks!

This detox has taught me a lot about making good food choices. I know how much better I feel without all the junk! I am learning to love my new sweet treat-the thin mint smoothie! I always knew what I should be eating, but felt stuck on how to prepare healthy meals. I loved getting all the recipes from the detox as they have equipped me with simple options for clean eating that I can use every day and not just during detox. I have so much more energy!

Participating in Chris Detox is one of the most amazing things I have ever done for myself. I had really fallen out of my good eating habits over the holidays and succumbed to the winter blues in January. This detox helped me to re-examine myself and my nutrition in a holistic way such that I felt empowered to set and achieve significant goals in just two weeks time. Physically, I have never felt better. I am already off two of my OTC medications that I was taking almost every day. I feel strong and ready to continue on this journey of wellness. I could have done it without the support of Chris DeHollander and my fellow detoxers. I am so grateful for this positive, life-changing experience. I highly recommend this program to anyone who desires to live a healthier life.

What a journey this has been for me! I have been a medical mess for months and really felt like I was doomed to a life where I felt horrible more often than not. This detox has helped me feel like I can take control of my body again. I have always exercised a lot. I love to run, bike, and weight train. BUT I was missing a key nutrition element. Like I have said before, I could hold the sign that said, “You can not out exercise bad nutrition…I am proof!” I literally ran to eat. I was a level 0 detoxer if there were such a thing. I am excited that I did not go on a diet. I have not been calorie counting or going hungry, but I have learned to have a healthy relationship with food. I will definitely continue many things I have learned. I will drink more water. I will read labels and know what I am putting into my body. I will know that some days I will struggle, but I can have more days that are good than are bad. I will get more SLEEP! Chris, I thank you for organizing this detox. I thank you for sharing your knowledge with people like me who saw a health food store as a big mystery. I thank you that because of this I was able to find a healthy place with a community of other people who also just want to be healthy. By far the best thing I have ever done for myself!

I wanted to share with you what I have experienced since I did the Fall Detox. When I was doing the detox and even after that when I stuck to it, I hadn’t felt that good in years. My mind was sharper, my skin glowed, I had energy, and I wasn’t so irritable. And to my great surprise my Fibromyalgia pain disappeared! Since then I have ‘gone back to my evil ways’ due to the holidays. Now I sit here with a nasty cold, my skin is dry, I am irritable, and my mind is foggy. I can’t wait to do the Winter Detox and stick to it after the 11 days is over. You really have a vital tool that is wonderful. I am very grateful my friend told me about Nourish2Live and you!